In the internal arts, the lower belly is believed to be the source of all physical and spiritual energies of the body.
We dedicate this month to harnessing the deepest structures in the abdomen by stoking the vital fires in the cauldron of the deep belly.

Join us for a medley of 5 live classes and 12 recorded practices to enliven your core throughout the month of May!


Tuesday April 30:

Core Release I Iliopsoas (Upper)

Most physical trainers agree that the iliopsoas is the primary muscle that provides support for the entire body. In this class, we engage the iliopsoas as a muscle of breathing, due to its insertion into the respiratory diaphragm.

Thursday May 2 | 3:30-5pm MT:

Restore Your Core (WITH Surya)

Because the furnace of the belly is under near constant demand to fire, it is imperative to periodically let the core cool down and idle. In this class all poses are supported. We do supine upper leg work and lower belly openers to revitalize the deep tissues of the abdomen.

Friday May 3:

Core Release II Iliopsoas (Lower)

The lower iliopsoas fibers are central to the lift of uddiyana bandha. In this class we harness the lower belly bandha on our back in order to achieve structural support when sitting and standing.

Tuesday May 21:

The Gate of Life

The acupressure point known as the Gate of Life (between L2 -L3) is the source point for supporting kidney vitality and spinal motion. In this class we orient all movement and breath work from the Gate of Life of life acupressure point.

Friday May 24:

Supporting the Uterine Cavity

In yoga and qi gong, longevity and health is determined by the the health of the reproductive system. In this class, we bring blood and breath and movement into the uterine cavity to reduce stagnation and blockages.




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