The life force in the body is thought to alternate between three primary energetic states: activity, inertia and equilibrium. In this class we weave together deep rest with activity in order to discover a profound sense of equilibrium (sattva) inside.

Originally aired: December 4, 2020

Prajna Yoga: Tias & Surya Little

Prajna Yoga makes its home in the foothills of Santa Fe, New Mexico – the home of Tias and Surya Little. We believe that yoga is a pathway that begins in the outer layers of body and mind and navigates inward to the mystical, subtle and rarely seen interior. We combine meditative practice with the power and grace of asana training. In a process that requires sensitivity and inner listening, we explore the sheaths of connective tissue, muscle and bone in order to bring about greater wakefulness, luminosity and space within.

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  Prajna Live | Balancing the Three Elements
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The Pathway of Yoga

We believe that yoga is a pathway that begins in the outer layers of the body and mind and navigates inward to the mystical, subtle, and rarely seen interior. In a process that requires sensitivity and inner listening, we explore the sheaths of connective tissue, muscle, and bone in order to bring about greater wakefulness, luminosity, and space within.

Learn Prajna Yoga

Whether you are looking to return to your center in your personal practice, become a certified yoga teacher in the methods of Prajna, expand your practice into yoga therapy or simply looking to learn from us online, we have offerings to meet you where you are.


Being all inclusive is a central tenet of Prajna Yoga. Diversity makes our sangha (community) all the more dynamic and creative. Our culture of inclusion enables us to better learn, grow, and thrive. Like a mala strung from many beads, our community finds beauty and strength from the unity of each unique individual.