In this class we build flexibility in the large muscles around the shoulder joint while strengthening and stretching the rotator cuff muscles. When the shoulders are balanced, there is lightness in the spine and congruity in the neck and skull.

Originally aired: February 23, 2021

Prajna Yoga: Tias & Surya Little

Prajna Yoga makes its home in the foothills of Santa Fe, New Mexico, at the founders’ home, Tias and Surya Little, where they have lived since 1997. After directing local yoga studios for 11 years, Tias and Surya established Prajna Yoga in 2004 to integrate yoga discipline with contemplative practice and study. They built a retreat center that provides a serene setting for students to deepen their practice and studies. The Prajna Yoga Temple, handcrafted with the aesthetic of Japanese temple design, is an exquisite facility to support students who want to explore the healing arts of yoga.

At the forefront of the Western expression of yoga…

Prajna Yoga educates, inspires, and transforms. We preserve the ancient roots of yoga practice while integrating contemporary research on the mind-body connection.

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  Prajna Live | Shoulder Balance
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