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SATYA 2 | Immersion in Santa Fe | Summer 2024
Introduction | SATYA 2: Sensory Awareness Training for Yoga Attunement
Welcome & Guidelines for this Course
Meet & Greet the Sangha
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Selected Readings & References
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Since SATYA 1: Share Your Insights
Introducing the Teachers
Tias and Surya Little
Section 1: Orienting to Midline
Watch | Lecture: Anatomy of the Spine (40:54)
Listen | Guided Meditation with Tias: Orienting to Midline
Reading: Engaging the Movement of Life, Bonnie Gintis
Section 2: SATYA and Gait
Listen | Guided Meditation with Tias: Walking Awareness
Reading | The New Rules of Posture, Healthy Walking (Chapter 9), Mary Bond
Section 3: Visceral Motility
Watch | Lecture: Anatomy of the Organs (36:14)
Listen | Guided Meditation with Tias: Visceral Motility
Reading | Visceral Manipulation, Basic Concepts, Jean-Pierre Barral, Pierre Mercier
Section 4: Supporting Lymph Drainage
Watch | Lecture: Anatomy of the Lymph System (44:03)
Listen | Guided Meditation with Tias: Lymphatic Awareness
Reading | "Lymphatic Yoga" by Tias Little
Section 5: Pranayama Prep
Watch | Lecture: Anatomy of the Rib Basket (52:00)
Listen | Guided Meditation with Tias: Breath Waves - Pranayama Practice
Section 6: SATYA for the Shoulders
Watch | Lecture: Anatomy of the Shoulders (48:44)
Listen | Guided Meditation with Tias: Sensing Hands, Arms, and Shoulders
Reading | The Integration of Human Structures, Ida Rolf, The Upper Movement System
Section 7: SATYA and the Imaginal Realm
Listen | Guided Meditation with Tias: The Dance of Siva
Reading: Engaging the Movement of Life, Bonnie Gintis
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