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Prajna Live: All Recorded Practice Sessions
Prajna Now: Lectures & Discussions with Tias (6)
Prajna Live: All Recorded Practice Sessions (399)
Hips & Legs (65)
Shoulders & Arms (38)
Restorative Practice (11)
Power of Breath (39)
SATYA Somatics (15)
Spine & Back Body (66)
Feet, Ankles, & Arches (13)
Yoga Nidra (4)
Women's Health (2)
Organ Health (71)
Core (18)
Wrists & Hands (8)
Head, Neck, & Jaw (19)
Anatomy (51)
The Nervous System (12)
Anne Hart
Janet Curry
Surya Little
Tias Little
Tias & Surya Little
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Prajna Live: All Recorded Practice Sessions
Prajna Live | The Transcendental Transverse Abdominis
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This class will help you cultivate core strength in your low back and abdomen by alternately engaging and releasing the transverse abdominus muscle.
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | Sukha in the Neck
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In this class we do poses to support the head and neck in order to release neck strain.
Surya Little
Prajna Live | How to Grow the Lotus
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The lotus is the quintessential metaphor for awakening in yoga. The lotus bloom involves a process of opening outward from a bud.
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | It’s All About the Lats
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In this class we stretch and strengthen the lats and use this muscle to support the ribs in pranayama.
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | Light on the Movement of Breath and Blood
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In order to bring mind and body together, we saturate the body in awareness.
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | Trusting the Changes Within, Staying Firm in the Changeless
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This class helps bring about trust in both the experience of change and the unchangeable.
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | Firm Back, Soft Front
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This class cultivates a strong backbone and open heart.
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | Sthira in the Legs
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In this class we build strength and stability in the foot arches leading up to the knees and hip joints.
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | Sukha in the Heart
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In this class we cultivate joy and playfulness in the heart through postures that stretch and expand the chest cavity.
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | Sthira in the Shoulders
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In this class we bring stability to the shoulder joint while increasing ROM and flexibility.
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | Total Tapas
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In this class, we enliven every fiber in the body through “total tapas.”
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | Transformation in Connective Tissue
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In this class we alter states of tension within the body through stretching, revolving, lifting, and squeezing movements.
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | Sukha in the Belly
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The aim of this practice is to cultivate a quality of deep ease in the belly.
Surya Little
Prajna Live | The Power of Reflection
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In this class we practice vipassana throughout the entire practice -- listening to the breath, sensing movement through the joints, and connecting
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | Sthira in the Hip Joints
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In this class we stretch and strengthen the many muscular attachments above, below, and around your hip joints and greater trochanters.
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | Sthira in the Spine
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In this class we engage the spinal muscles and ligaments to make the spine light, lifted, and balanced.
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | Sukha in the Skull and Brain
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In this class we do movements to bring serenity and relaxation to all the bones, joints, and fascia around the brain.
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | Unbroken Continuity Between Body, Mind, and Spirit
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In this class we set the intention to realize the unity of body, mind, and spirit.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Harvesting the Deep Life Force through Pranayama
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This class builds vitality and longevity with chest openers and deep breathing.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Supporting Visceral Motion: Pumping, Pulsing, and Peristalsis
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In this class we support organic function through rocking, pumping, and wave like movements.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Gathering and Storing Blood in the Gut
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In this class, we aid the flow of prana by alternately lengthening and contracting the gut plus washing, rinsing and flushing blood through the abdomen.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Lunar Illumination: Full Moon Practice
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On the December Full Moon, known as the “Cold Moon,” we open the receptive, lunar channels of the body.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Body of Joy
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We take time to rejoice in what is most essential—breath, the beat of our heart, and the embodiment of loving kindness.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Fruit of the Practice
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In this class we cultivate steady nerves, a luminous mind, and a buoyant heart.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Faith in Feeling
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In this class, whether still or moving, we return to the raw data of feeling and take refuge in the custody of our immediate sensory experience.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Devotion through Movement
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In this class, we cultivate the spirit of devotion, “coming home,” through movement, meditation, and illuminated reflection.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Storing the Life Force in the Back Body
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In this class we open the back through twists and forward folds in order to build stamina in the body.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Balancing Breath through the Nostrils
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In this class we use postures and pranayama to balance the flow of prana through each nostril.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Winter Solstice Class: The Light Within
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The Winter Solstice is the shortest and darkest day of the year. In this class we illumine the spaces within through breath work, meditative flow, supported holds, and deep stillness.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Harvesting Backbends
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In this class we give particular emphasis to shoulderstand and headstand back arches that are considered sacred.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Preserving Prana in the Lungs
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In this class we amplify prana in the lungs in order to build resiliency as the winter approaches.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Year of the Water Tiger
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In this year of the Water Tiger, we begin the month building fluidity and responsiveness in the sacrum.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Turning the Wheel into the New Year
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On the cusp of a new year we build resiliency and openness for the year to come by practicing variations of the Wheel Pose. Join us for this inspirational class and get prepared to roll into the new year.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Building a Bridge into the New Year
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We practice variations of bridge pose to make the spine flexible and the shoulders supple.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Spinal Spirals
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We take the spine through spiral patterns in supine, seated, and standing positions.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Opening Wide the Delta: Outer Shoulders and Outer Hips
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We create opening so kinetic energy can flow like a river through the shoulders and hips.
Tias Little
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