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Prajna Now: Lectures & Discussions with Tias (6)
Prajna Live: All Recorded Practice Sessions (412)
Hips & Legs (68)
Shoulders & Arms (39)
Restorative Practice (11)
Power of Breath (39)
SATYA Somatics (15)
Spine & Back Body (67)
Feet, Ankles, & Arches (14)
Yoga Nidra (4)
Women's Health (2)
Organ Health (71)
Core (18)
Wrists & Hands (8)
Head, Neck, & Jaw (20)
Anatomy (51)
The Nervous System (12)
Ayurveda (6)
Tias Little
Anne Hart
Janet Curry
Surya Little
Tias Little
Tias & Surya Little
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Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Archer's Bow
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In this class we embody "right tension” in each pose like the body-mind connection of the archer, taking aim with concentration and ease.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Belly to Earth – Belly Down Backbends
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We do variations on shalabhasana (locust), dhanurasana (bow), and bhekasana (frog).
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Diagonal Motion – Hips to Shoulders
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In this class we do movements on the diagonal in order to build right-left integration.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Stability Below, Lightness Above
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With support at our base, we will bring ease and relaxation to the neck and skull.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Heart of the Legs
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In this class we bring joy to the organ of the heart by stretching, pumping, flexing, and strengthening connective tissues of the legs.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Yoga & the River of Breath
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In this class, we practice movements to sustain the fluid channels in the body, including circulatory pathways of blood and lymph.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Light on Gravity
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In this practice, you will gain greater sensitivity for how gravity moves through you.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Stability, Lightness, and Freedom: Intermediate Hips
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In this class, Tias moves the degree of difficulty up a notch. Practice more complex hip openers and ilio-psoas extensions.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Stability, Lightness, and Freedom: Intermediate Shoulders
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In this delightful and uplifting class, we build core connection through arm balances, headstand, and shoulder stand.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Trickling, Pulsing, Streaming, Absorption
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This class explores how awareness follows the dynamics of fluid within the connective tissues.
Tias Little
The Yoga of Relationship
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Explore the way that relationships are challenged at this time and how to embody yoga in relationships.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | It All Begins in the Feet
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In this class we awaken the feet and enliven the legs in order to cultivate stability in the pelvis and the spine.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Pressure Point Therapy in SATYA
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In this class we use a physioball or tennis ball to release held tension in the myofascia.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Staying Fluid: The Sacrum & Water Element
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This class explores the fluidity and equilibrium of the sacrum and sacral-iliac joints.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Yoga for the QL
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In this class we practice a series of poses designed to free restrictions in the QL including twists, side bends and light back arches.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Unfolding the Psoas for Pranayama
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In this class, we lengthen, twist, and flex the psoas in order to create flexibility and space in the abdomen.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Yoga and Vibration
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In this class we animate the channels of the body through breath, sound and movement.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Unpacking the Hips Intermediate
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In this class we start with simple hip openers and build up to safely do more deep lateral hip openers.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Twist Open
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Through twists, we tap the profound ways that twisting poses bring life, creativity, joy, and energy to the body.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Balancing Act
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This class starts with balancing positions from the floor before making our way to standing and seated balance positions.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Side to Side: Opening the Outer Flank of the Body
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By releasing the side body, we feel lighter and more spacious within.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Every Breath You Take
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In this class, we attune to the fine, subtle rhythms of the breath.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Not Too Tight, Not Too Slack
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In this class we practice “Right Tension” and in so doing, apply just the right amount of force in any given pose.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Bridge to Light and Space
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In this class we do multiple variations of bridge in order to rejuvenate the organs, refresh the brain and boost internal energy.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Inside Leg
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This class emphasizes stretching and toning the interior leg as a way to revitalize the entire body.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Opening to the Future, Opening the Front Body
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This class will focus on releasing the front body beginning at the feet and moving upward through the legs, abdomen and trunk.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Yoga for the Knees
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By safely increasing flexibility in your knees, you will have greater physical vitality, stamina and “staying power”.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Pelvis Potential
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In this class you will strengthen and stretch the core musculature around your hip joints in order to stabilize your low back.
Tias Little
SATYA 1 | Sensory Awareness Training for Yoga Attunement 2021
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This training covers the foundational movements of the SATYA practice for students to revitalize themselves, and for teachers bring SATYA into the classroom.
Tias Little
SATYA 1 | Sensory Awareness Training for Yoga Attunement 2020
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This training covers the foundational movements of the SATYA practice for students to revitalize themselves, and for teachers bring SATYA into the classroom.
Tias Little
Anatomy of the Vayus | Online Immersion | Spring 2023
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Understanding the nature of each vayu is crucial to harmonizing the subtle flow of prana in the body and to establishing health and vitality.
Tias Little
Anatomy of the Vayus
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Understanding the nature of each vayu is crucial to harmonizing the subtle flow of prana in the body and to establishing health and vitality.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Releasing the Weight of the Shoulders
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The aim of this class is to reduce shoulder and neck restriction and to effectively yoke the shoulder blades onto the back.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Releasing the Neck
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This class is aimed to release foreshortening in the neck muscles and compression around the nerves and discs of the neck region.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Hanging and Draping the Spine
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In this class we lengthen the spine using traction.
Tias Little
The Magnificent Seven: The Dhatus in Yoga | Day 7: Semen/Ovum
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The reproductive tissue is closely paired to immunity, physical vitality, and longevity.
Tias Little
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